Speaking Topics

Give Your Child 10 Tools to Be a Top 20 Thinker

  • How to Think, Act and Communicate like the Top 20% of people who make things happen.
  • Getting rid of Negative Mental Habits that are the roadblocks to your goals.
  • The real world appreciates usefulness and is willing to pay for those who demonstrate relationship skills along with skills of expertise.   I.Q. X E.Q. = Success

Experience the Clarity Map to Discover the 4 Quadrants of Wealth  (Self Assessment Tool)

  • Consider assets that BALANCE all 4 areas of life and intentionally nurture them
  • Determine together “What Matters Most” to Your Family and Prioritize them.
  • Experience a D.O.S. Activity to determine the Dangers, Opportunities and Strengths for any challenges you or your children face.

How to Teach Our Children Responsibility and Accountability with the Family K.A.S.H. FUND

  • Change from the feeling of “entitlement” to one of a “contributing member” of the team.
  • Experience the dynamics of the Relationship Trust Bank
  • The $2 Buck Rule helps to live “above the line” and avoid Blame, Justification and Shame


Contact Janet Vinciguerra

Headshot 3 copyReach out to your administrator or director. Let them know about Janet and pass along her information below for them to reach out and plan a follow-up conversation.

Phone: 216-316-6070

Email: Janet@Howcanihelpmykid.com

Or, please fill out the contact form below with your specific needs and one of our team members will respond as quickly as possible.